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4531 - 4540 of 4827 for Eight Point Circle TheoremSearch Results

2023-08-30 The great ditrigonal icosidodecahedron is the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 47 (Maeder 1997), Wenninger index 87 (Wenninger 1989), Coxeter index 58 (Coxeter ...
For any prime number p and any positive integer n, the p^n-rank r_(p^n)(G) of a finitely generated Abelian group G is the number of copies of the cyclic group Z_(p^n) ...
A representation of a group G is a group action of G on a vector space V by invertible linear maps. For example, the group of two elements Z_2={0,1} has a representation phi ...
Consider an n×n (0, 1)-matrix such as [a_(11) a_(23) ; a_(22) a_(34); a_(21) a_(33) ; a_(32) a_(44); a_(31) a_(43) ; a_(42) a_(54); a_(41) a_(53) ; a_(52) a_(64)] (1) for ...
Like the entire harmonic series, the harmonic series sum_(k=1)^infty1/(p_k)=infty (1) taken over all primes p_k also diverges, as first shown by Euler in 1737 (Nagell 1951, ...
A hedgehog is an envelope parameterized by its Gauss map (Martinez-Maure 1996). Viewed another way, a hedgehog is a Minkowski difference of a convex body (Martinez-Maure ...
There are at least two definitions of hypercomplex numbers. Clifford algebraists call their higher dimensional numbers hypercomplex, even though they do not share all the ...
The complexity c_n of an integer n is the least number of 1s needed to represent it using only additions, multiplications, and parentheses. For example, the numbers 1 through ...
Given a function f(x), its inverse f^(-1)(x) is defined by f(f^(-1)(x))=f^(-1)(f(x))=x. (1) Therefore, f(x) and f^(-1)(x) are reflections about the line y=x. In the Wolfram ...
The Jacobi symbol, written (n/m) or (n/m) is defined for positive odd m as (n/m)=(n/(p_1))^(a_1)(n/(p_2))^(a_2)...(n/(p_k))^(a_k), (1) where m=p_1^(a_1)p_2^(a_2)...p_k^(a_k) ...
