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The functions theta_s(u) = (H(u))/(H^'(0)) (1) theta_d(u) = (Theta(u+K))/(Theta(k)) (2) theta_c(u) = (H(u))/(H(K)) (3) theta_n(u) = (Theta(u))/(Theta(0)), (4) where H(u) and ...
nu(x) = int_0^infty(x^tdt)/(Gamma(t+1)) (1) nu(x,alpha) = int_0^infty(x^(alpha+t)dt)/(Gamma(alpha+t+1)), (2) where Gamma(z) is the gamma function (Erdélyi et al. 1981, p. ...
The orthic inconic of a triangle is the inconic with inconic parameters x:y:z=cosA:cosB:cosC. (1) It has trilinear equation ...
The outer Napoleon circle, a term coined here for the first time, is the circumcircle of the outer Napoleon triangle. It has center at the triangle centroid G (and is thus ...
The outer Soddy circle is the solution to the four coins problem. It has circle function l=((-a+b+c)^2[f(a,b,c)+16g(a,b,c)rs])/(4bc[(a^2+b^2+c^2)-2(ab+bc+ca)+8rs]^4), (1) ...
A path gamma is a continuous mapping gamma:[a,b]|->C^0, where gamma(a) is the initial point, gamma(b) is the final point, and C^0 denotes the space of continuous functions. ...
Let u and v be any functions of a set of variables (q_1,...,q_n,p_1,...,p_n). Then the expression ...
The (signed) area of a planar non-self-intersecting polygon with vertices (x_1,y_1), ..., (x_n,y_n) is A=1/2(|x_1 x_2; y_1 y_2|+|x_2 x_3; y_2 y_3|+...+|x_n x_1; y_n y_1|), ...
For X a topological space, the presheaf F of Abelian groups (rings, ...) on X is defined such that 1. For every open subset U subset= X, an Abelian group (ring, ...) F(U), ...
A projective space is a space that is invariant under the group G of all general linear homogeneous transformation in the space concerned, but not under all the ...
