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The complex plane C with the origin removed, i.e., C-{0}. The punctured plane is sometimes denoted C^* (although this notation conflicts with that for the Riemann sphere C-*, ...
The notation Q^_ denotes the algebraic closure of the rational numbers Q. This is equivalent to the set of algebraic numbers, sometimes denoted A.
The set of projective projectively extended real numbers. Unfortunately, the notation is not standardized, so the set of affinely extended real numbers, denoted here R^_, is ...
A sum which includes both the Jacobi triple product and the q-binomial theorem as special cases. Ramanujan's sum is ...
Roman numerals are a system of numerical notations used by the Romans. They are an additive (and subtractive) system in which letters are used to denote certain "base" ...
The symbol ; given special meanings in several mathematics contexts, the most common of which is the covariant derivative.
The shoelace formula, also known as Gauss's area formula, the shoelace algorithm, shoelace method, or surveyor's formula, is a name sometimes given to the polygon area ...
A stack is a data structure which is a special kind of list in which elements may be added to or removed from the top only. These actions are called a push or a pop, ...
In the notation of Watson (1966), theta=zd/(dz).
Written in the notation of partial derivatives, the d'Alembertian square ^2 in a flat spacetime is defined by square ^2=del ^2-1/(c^2)(partial^2)/(partialt^2), where c is the ...
