
Search Results for "Dual Notation"

431 - 440 of 1028 for Dual NotationSearch Results
The binary logarithm log_2x is the logarithm to base 2. The notation lgx is sometimes used to denote this function in number theoretic literature. However, because Russian ...
One of the symbols { and } used in many different contexts in mathematics. Braces are used 1. To denote grouping of mathematical terms, usually as the outermost delimiter in ...
There are at least two meanings on the word congruent in mathematics. Two geometric figures are said to be congruent if one can be transformed into the other by an isometry ...
The covariant derivative of a contravariant tensor A^a (also called the "semicolon derivative" since its symbol is a semicolon) is given by A^a_(;b) = ...
Decimal is the base-10 notational system for representing real numbers. The expression of a number using the decimal system is called its decimal expansion, examples of which ...
The decimal period of a repeating decimal is the number of digits that repeat. For example, 1/3=0.3^_ has decimal period one, 1/11=0.09^_ has decimal period two, and ...
The symbol used to separate the integer part of a decimal number from its fractional part is called the decimal point. In the United States, the decimal point is denoted with ...
Two quantities are said to be equal if they are, in some well-defined sense, equivalent. Equality of quantities a and b is written a=b. Equal is implemented in the Wolfram ...
Goldberg polyhedra are convex polyhedra first described by Goldberg (1937) and classified in more detail by Hart (2013) for which each face is a regular pentagon or regular ...
tau is the ratio tau=omega_2/omega_1 of the two half-periods omega_1 and omega_2 of an elliptic function (Whittaker and Watson 1990, pp. 463 and 473) defined such that the ...
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