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A term in social choice theory meaning a change favorable for X does not hurt X.
A pyramid is a polyhedron with one face (known as the "base") a polygon and all the other faces triangles meeting at a common polygon vertex (known as the "apex"). A right ...
The polygon formed by the lines tangent to the circumcircle of a polygon. The tangential polygon of an n-gon is itself an n-gon.
A set is a finite or infinite collection of objects in which order has no significance, and multiplicity is generally also ignored (unlike a list or multiset). Members of a ...
The uniform polyhedra are polyhedra consisting of regular (possibly polygrammic) faces of equal edge length whose polyhedron vertices are all symmetrically equivalent. The ...
A differential k-form omega of degree p in an exterior algebra ^ V is decomposable if there exist p one-forms alpha_i such that omega=alpha_1 ^ ... ^ alpha_p, (1) where alpha ...
Four line geometry is a finite geometry subject to the following three axioms: 1. there exist exactly four lines, 2. any two distinct lines have exactly one point of on both ...
The set of L^p-functions (where p>=1) generalizes L2-space. Instead of square integrable, the measurable function f must be p-integrable for f to be in L^p. On a measure ...
The regular skew icosahedron is a six-dimensional regular polytope that is just as symmetric as the Platonic icosahedron, but having different angles (Coxeter 1950; Coxeter ...
The theory of analyzing a decision between a collection of alternatives made by a collection of n voters with separate opinions. Any choice for the entire group should ...
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