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A square which can be dissected into a number of smaller squares with no two equal is called a perfect square dissection (or a squared square). Square dissections in which ...
Given a property P, if P(x)∼x as x->infty (so, using asymptotic notation, the number of numbers less than x not satisfying the property P is o(x), where o(x) is one of the ...
The double bar symbol | is used to denote certain kinds of norms in mathematics (e.g., ||x|| or ||x||_2). It is also used to denote parallel lines, as in A∥B, and in an older ...
A very large number defined in terms of circle notation by Steinhaus (1983) as .
The letter O is used for a number of different purposes in mathematics. The double-struck O is sometimes used to represent octonions. The symbols O(x) (sometimes called the ...
The symbol tau (the lower case Greek letter tau) has many common uses in mathematics, as summarized in the following table. 1. tau(n) is an alternate notation for the divisor ...
The letter O is used for a number of different purposes in mathematics. The double-struck O is sometimes used to represent octonions. The symbols O(x) (sometimes called the ...
The dodecahedral graph is the Platonic graph corresponding to the connectivity of the vertices of a dodecahedron, illustrated above in four embeddings. The left embedding ...
Let n be an integer variable which tends to infinity and let x be a continuous variable tending to some limit. Also, let phi(n) or phi(x) be a positive function and f(n) or ...
The tilde is the mark "~" placed on top of a symbol to indicate some special property. x^~ is voiced "x-tilde." The tilde symbol is commonly used to denote an operator. In ...
