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21 - 30 of 557 for Doomsday AlgorithmSearch Results
A method for finding solutions u and v to a linear congruence au+bv=d by constructing a matrix formed by adjoining a vector containing a and b with a unit matrix, M=[a 1 0; b ...
Successive application of Archimedes' recurrence formula gives the Archimedes algorithm, which can be used to provide successive approximations to pi (pi). The algorithm is ...
An algorithm for finding a graph's spanning tree of minimum length. It sorts the edges of a graph in order of increasing cost and then repeatedly adds edges that bridge ...
The blossom algorithm (Edmonds 1965) finds a maximum independent edge set in a (possibly weighted) graph. While a maximum independent edge set can be found fairly easily for ...
An algorithm for finding closed form hypergeometric identities. The algorithm treats sums whose successive terms have ratios which are rational functions. Not only does it ...
A lattice reduction algorithm, named after discoverers Lenstra, Lenstra, and Lovasz (1982), that produces a lattice basis of "short" vectors. It was noticed by Lenstra et al. ...
The Bron-Kerbosch algorithm is an efficient method for finding all maximal cliques in a graph.
Given a permutation {p_1,p_2,...,p_n} of {1,...,n}, the bumping algorithm constructs a standard Young tableau by inserting the p_i one by one into an already constructed ...
An algorithm for multiplying two 32-bit integers modulo a 32-bit constant without using any intermediates larger than 32 bits. It is also useful in certain types of random ...
An algorithm which finds a polynomial recurrence for terminating hypergeometric identities of the form sum_(k)(n; ...
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