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381 - 390 of 3632 for Diophantine Equation 2nd PowersSearch Results
A function f in C^infty(R^n) is called a Schwartz function if it goes to zero as |x|->infty faster than any inverse power of x, as do all its derivatives. That is, a function ...
Let L be a language of first-order predicate logic, let I be an indexing set, and for each i in I, let A_i be a structure of the language L. Let u be an ultrafilter in the ...
The exponent laws, also called the laws of indices (Higgens 1998) or power rules (Derbyshire 2004, p. 65), are the rules governing the combination of exponents (powers). The ...
SNTP(n) is the smallest prime such that p#-1, p#, or p#+1 is divisible by n, where p# is the primorial of p. Ashbacher (1996) shows that SNTP(n) only exists 1. If there are ...
The Pochhammer symbol (x)_n = (Gamma(x+n))/(Gamma(x)) (1) = x(x+1)...(x+n-1) (2) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 256; Spanier 1987; Koepf 1998, p. 5) for n>=0 is an ...
If an analytic function has a single simple pole at the radius of convergence of its power series, then the ratio of the coefficients of its power series converges to that ...
Fermat's sandwich theorem states that 26 is the only number sandwiched between a perfect square number (5^2=25) and a perfect cubic number (3^3=27). According to Singh ...
The radical line, also called the radical axis, is the locus of points of equal circle power with respect to two nonconcentric circles. By the chordal theorem, it is ...
One of the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms which asserts the existence for any set a of the power set x consisting of all the subsets of a. The axiom may be stated symbolically as ...
Leakage, more explicitly called spectral leakage, is a smearing of power across a frequency spectrum that occurs when the signal being measured is not periodic in the sample ...