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3141 - 3150 of 3632 for Diophantine Equation 2nd PowersSearch Results
A moment mu_n of a probability function P(x) taken about 0, mu_n^' = <x^n> (1) = intx^nP(x)dx. (2) The raw moments mu_n^' (sometimes also called "crude moments") can be ...
A closed planar quadrilateral with opposite sides of equal lengths a and b, and with four right angles. A square is a degenerate rectangle with a=b. The area of the rectangle ...
The Riemann integral is the definite integral normally encountered in calculus texts and used by physicists and engineers. Other types of integrals exist (e.g., the Lebesgue ...
The Riemann theta function is a complex function of g complex variables that occurs in the construction of quasi-periodic solutions of various equations in mathematical ...
Let the inner and outer Soddy triangles of a reference triangle DeltaABC be denoted DeltaPQR and DeltaP^'Q^'R^', respectively. Similarly, let the tangential triangles of ...
The prime number theorem shows that the nth prime number p_n has the asymptotic value p_n∼nlnn (1) as n->infty (Havil 2003, p. 182). Rosser's theorem makes this a rigorous ...
A ruled surface is a surface that can be swept out by moving a line in space. It therefore has a parameterization of the form x(u,v)=b(u)+vdelta(u), (1) where b is called the ...
The sample variance m_2 (commonly written s^2 or sometimes s_N^2) is the second sample central moment and is defined by m_2=1/Nsum_(i=1)^N(x_i-m)^2, (1) where m=x^_ the ...
A Fourier series-like expansion of a twice continuously differentiable function f(x)=1/2a_0+sum_(n=1)^inftya_nJ_0(nx) (1) for 0<x<pi, where J_0(x) is a zeroth order Bessel ...
Schur (1916) proved that no matter how the set of positive integers less than or equal to |_n!e_| (where |_x_| is the floor function) is partitioned into n classes, one class ...