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Let S={x_1,...,x_n} be a set of n distinct positive integers. Then the matrix [S]_n having the least common multiple LCM(x_i,x_j) of x_i and x_j as its i,jth entry is called ...
The smallest n for which a point x_0 is a periodic point of a function f so that f^n(x_0)=x_0. For example, for the function f(x)=-x, all points x have period 2 (including ...
Given a function of the form y=a+blnx, (1) the coefficients can be found from least squares fitting as b = ...
Given a function of the form y=Ax^B, (1) least squares fitting gives the coefficients as b = ...
Let alpha(x) be a monotone increasing function and define an interval I=(x_1,x_2). Then define the nonnegative function U(I)=alpha(x_2)-alpha(x_1). The Lebesgue integral with ...
Any complex measure lambda decomposes into an absolutely continuous measure lambda_a and a singular measure lambda_c, with respect to some positive measure mu. This is the ...
The Lebesgue identity is the algebraic identity (Nagell 1951, pp. 194-195).
Suppose that {f_n} is a sequence of measurable functions, that f_n->f pointwise almost everywhere as n->infty, and that |f_n|<=g for all n, where g is integrable. Then f is ...
The Lebombo bone is the oldest known mathematical artifact. It dates from 35000 BC and consists of 29 distinct notches that were deliberately cut into a baboon's fibula. It ...
Let K be a finite complex, let h:|K|->|K| be a continuous map. If Lambda(h)!=0, then h has a fixed point.
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