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871 - 880 of 1029 for Coordinate SystemsSearch Results

Three point geometry is a finite geometry subject to the following four axioms: 1. There exist exactly three points. 2. Two distinct points are on exactly one line. 3. Not ...
Toroidal functions are a class of functions also called ring functions that appear in systems having toroidal symmetry. Toroidal functions can be expressed in terms of the ...
A square matrix with nonzero elements only on the diagonal and slots horizontally or vertically adjacent the diagonal (i.e., along the subdiagonal and superdiagonal), [a_(11) ...
Whitehead and Russell (1927) devised a hierarchy of "types" in order to eliminate self-referential statements from Principia Mathematica, which purported to derive all of ...
Consider expressions built up from variables and constants using function symbols. If v_1, ..., v_n are variables and t_1, ..., t_n are expressions, then a set of mappings ...
A square matrix A is said to be unipotent if A-I, where I is an identity matrix is a nilpotent matrix (defined by the property that A^n is the zero matrix for some positive ...
The voter model is a simple mathematical model of opinion formation in which voters are located at the nodes of a network, each voter has an opinion (in the simplest case, 0 ...
The Weibull distribution is given by P(x) = alphabeta^(-alpha)x^(alpha-1)e^(-(x/beta)^alpha) (1) D(x) = 1-e^(-(x/beta)^alpha) (2) for x in [0,infty), and is implemented in ...
There are at least two theorems known as Weierstrass's theorem. The first states that the only hypercomplex number systems with commutative multiplication and addition are ...
The (unilateral) Z-transform of a sequence {a_k}_(k=0)^infty is defined as Z[{a_k}_(k=0)^infty](z)=sum_(k=0)^infty(a_k)/(z^k). (1) This definition is implemented in the ...
