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The metabiaugmented dodecahedron is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(60). The unit metabiaugmented dodecahedron has volume V=1/6(25+11sqrt(5)) (1) and Dehn ...
An inequality which implies the correctness of the Robertson conjecture (Milin 1964). de Branges (1985) proved this conjecture, which led to the proof of the full Bieberbach ...
A branch of mathematics which encompasses many diverse areas of minimization and optimization. Optimization theory is the more modern term for operations research. ...
The orthopoles of a line l with respect to the four triangles formed by three out of four vertices of any quadrilateral ABCD lie on a straight line L known as the orthopolar ...
An operator which describes the time evolution of densities in phase space. The operator can be defined by rho_(n+1)=L^~rho_n, where rho_n are the natural invariants after ...
A nonzero and noninvertible element a of a ring R which generates a prime ideal. It can also be characterized by the condition that whenever a divides a product in R, a ...
Given a matrix A, its QR-decomposition is a matrix decomposition of the form A=QR, where R is an upper triangular matrix and Q is an orthogonal matrix, i.e., one satisfying ...
A recurrence plot is defined as a plot of the quantity R(t,tau)=H(epsilon-||f(t)-f(tau)||), where H(x) is the Heaviside step function and ||f|| denotes a norm. A recurrence ...
A variation of the method of false position for finding roots which fits the function in question with an exponential.
A circle packing is called rigid (or "stable") if every circle is fixed by its neighbors, i.e., no circle can be translated without disturbing other circles of the packing ...
