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Codimension is a term used in a number of algebraic and geometric contexts to indicate the difference between the dimension of certain objects and the dimension of a smaller ...
Based on a problem in particle physics, Dyson (1962abc) conjectured that the constant term in the Laurent series product_(1<=i!=j<=n)(1-(x_i)/(x_j))^(a_i) is the multinomial ...
The term "fractal dimension" is sometimes used to refer to what is more commonly called the capacity dimension of a fractal (which is, roughly speaking, the exponent D in the ...
The equations defined by q^. = (partialH)/(partialp) (1) p^. = -(partialH)/(partialq), (2) where p^.=dp/dt and q^.=dq/dt is fluxion notation and H is the so-called ...
Informally, self-similar objects with parameters N and s are described by a power law such as N=s^d, where d=(lnN)/(lns) is the "dimension" of the scaling law, known as the ...
A point where a stable and an unstable separatrix (invariant manifold) from the same fixed point or same family intersect. Therefore, the limits lim_(k->infty)f^k(X) and ...
Refer to the above figures. Let X be the point of intersection, with X^' ahead of X on one manifold and X^('') ahead of X of the other. The mapping of each of these points ...
Define the "information function" to be I=-sum_(i=1)^NP_i(epsilon)ln[P_i(epsilon)], (1) where P_i(epsilon) is the natural measure, or probability that element i is populated, ...
Also known as metric entropy. Divide phase space into D-dimensional hypercubes of content epsilon^D. Let P_(i_0,...,i_n) be the probability that a trajectory is in hypercube ...
The Peano-Gosper curve is a plane-filling function originally called a "flowsnake" by R. W. Gosper and M. Gardner. Mandelbrot (1977) subsequently coined the name Peano-Gosper ...
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