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371 - 380 of 1029 for Coordinate SystemsSearch Results

Let a straight line AB be divided internally at C and externally at D in the same ratio, so that (AC)/(CB)=-(AD)/(DB). Then AB is said to be divided harmonically at C and D ...
A second-order linear Hermitian operator is an operator L^~ that satisfies int_a^bv^_L^~udx=int_a^buL^~v^_dx. (1) where z^_ denotes a complex conjugate. As shown in ...
Let |A| denote the cardinal number of set A, then it follows immediately that |A union B|=|A|+|B|-|A intersection B|, (1) where union denotes union, and intersection denotes ...
To predict the result of a measurement requires (1) a model of the system under investigation, and (2) a physical theory linking the parameters of the model to the parameters ...
Let three equal circles with centers J_A, J_B, and J_C intersect in a single point H and intersect pairwise in the points A, B, and C. Then the circumcircle O of the ...
The Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) condition is a kind of boundary-value condition which naturally emerges in quantum statistical mechanics and related areas. Given a quantum ...
Given a sum and a set of weights, find the weights which were used to generate the sum. The values of the weights are then encrypted in the sum. This system relies on the ...
The numbers defined by the recurrence relation K_(n+1)=1+min(2K_(|_n/2_|),3K_(|_n/3_|)), with K_0=1. The first few values for n=0, 1, 2, ... are 1, 3, 3, 4, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, ...
The spherical harmonics form a complete orthogonal system, so an arbitrary real function f(theta,phi) can be expanded in terms of complex spherical harmonics by ...
The large Witt graph, also called the octad graph (Brouwer) or Witt graph (, is the graph whose vertices are the 759 blocks of a Steiner system S(5,8,24) ...
