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8331 - 8340 of 13135 for Coordinate GeometrySearch Results
kappa(d)={(2lneta(d))/(sqrt(d)) for d>0; (2pi)/(w(d)sqrt(|d|)) for d<0, (1) where eta(d) is the fundamental unit and w(d) is the number of substitutions which leave the ...
A.k.a. the pigeonhole principle. Given n boxes and m>n objects, at least one box must contain more than one object. This statement has important applications in number theory ...
Dirichlet's principle, also known as Thomson's principle, states that there exists a function u that minimizes the functional D[u]=int_Omega|del u|^2dV (called the Dirichlet ...
A graph G is said to be disconnected if it is not connected, i.e., if there exist two nodes in G such that no path in G has those nodes as endpoints. The numbers of ...
A topological space that is not connected, i.e., which can be decomposed as the disjoint union of two nonempty open subsets. Equivalently, it can be characterized as a space ...
A statistical distribution whose variables can take on only discrete values. Abramowitz and Stegun (1972, p. 929) give a table of the parameters of most common discrete ...
A discrete group is a topological group with the discrete topology. Often in practice, discrete groups arise as discrete subgroups of continuous Lie groups acting on a ...
Let G be an algebraic group. G together with the discrete topology is a locally compact group and one may consider the counting measure as a left invariant Haar measure on G. ...
The term discrete percolation is used to describe models of percolation theory whose media are discrete sets like sets of regular lattice points (e.g., bond percolation and ...
Let S be a semigroup and alpha a positive real-valued function on S such that alpha(st)<=alpha(s)alpha(t) (s,t in S). If l^1(S,alpha) is the set of all complex-valued ...