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541 - 550 of 13135 for Coordinate GeometrySearch Results
An (n-2)-dimensional face of an n-dimensional polytope.
Three sets of three lines such that each line is incident with two from both other sets.
Two curves are tangent externally at a point P if they lie on opposite sides of their common tangent at P
Two curves are tangent internally at a point P if they lie on the same side of their common tangent at P
The polygon formed by the lines tangent to the circumcircle of a polygon. The tangential polygon of an n-gon is itself an n-gon.
A 40-sided polygon.
A 14-sided polygon, sometimes called a tetrakaidecagon.
A transversal line is a line which intersects each of a given set of other lines. It is also called a semisecant.
A 13-sided polygon, sometimes also called the triskaidecagon.
The trilinear quotient of two points p:q:r and u:v:w is the point p/u:q/v:r/w.
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