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Given two positive integers n and k, the bipartite Kneser graph H(n,k) is the graph whose two bipartite sets of vertices represent the k-subsets and (n-k)-subsets of ...
The blossom algorithm (Edmonds 1965) finds a maximum independent edge set in a (possibly weighted) graph. While a maximum independent edge set can be found fairly easily for ...
Consider a Boolean algebra of subsets b(A) generated by a set A, which is the set of subsets of A that can be obtained by means of a finite number of the set operations ...
Bridge is a card game played with a normal deck of 52 cards. The number of possible distinct 13-card hands is N=(52; 13)=635013559600, (1) where (n; k) is a binomial ...
The Brinkmann graph (misspelled by Cancela et al. (2004) as "Brinkman") is a weakly regular quartic graph on 21 vertices and 42 edges. It was first mentioned in Brinkmann ...
Brocard's problem asks to find the values of n for which n!+1 is a square number m^2, where n! is the factorial (Brocard 1876, 1885). The only known solutions are n=4, 5, and ...
The Brouwer-Haemers graph is the unique strongly regular graph on 81 vertices with parameters nu=81, k=20, lambda=1, mu=6 (Brouwer and Haemers 1992, Brouwer). It is also ...
Bonato et al. (2014, 2015) defined the burning number of a simple graph as follows. Consider a process called burning involving are discrete time steps. Each node is either ...
A cactus graph, sometimes also called a cactus tree, a mixed Husimi tree, or a polygonal cactus with bridges, is a connected graph in which any two graph cycles have no edge ...
The café wall illusion, sometimes also called the Münsterberg illusion (Ashton Raggatt McDougall 2006), is an optical illusion produced by a black and white rectangular ...
