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471 - 480 of 2405 for Conjunctive Normal FormSearch Results
Given a series of the form A(z)=sum_(k)a_kz^k, the notation [z^k](A(z)) is used to indicate the coefficient a_k (Sedgewick and Flajolet 1996). This corresponds to the Wolfram ...
A complex rotation is a map of the form z|->ze^(itheta), where theta is a real number, which corresponds to counterclockwise rotation by theta radians about the origin of ...
An entire Cremona transformation is a birational transformation of the plane. Cremona transformations are maps of the form x_(i+1) = f(x_i,y_i) (1) y_(i+1) = g(x_i,y_i), (2) ...
A surface of revolution of the form r(phi)=a[1-esin^2phi-(3/8e^2+k)sin^2(2phi)], where k is a second-order correction to the figure of a rotating fluid.
A disjunctive syllogism is a valid argument form in propositional calculus, where p and q are propositions: (p v q; ¬p)/(∴q). For example, if someone is going to study law or ...
The general orthogonal group GO_n(q,F) is the subgroup of all elements of the projective general linear group that fix the particular nonsingular quadratic form F. The ...
An absolutely continuous measure on partialD whose density has the form exp(x+y^_), where x and y are real-valued functions in L^infty, ||y||_infty<pi/2, exp is the ...
A root-finding algorithm also called Bailey's method and Hutton's method. For a function of the form g(x)=x^d-r, Lambert's method gives an iteration function ...
A necessary and sufficient condition for all the eigenvalues of a real n×n matrix A to have negative real parts is that the equation A^(T)V+VA=-I has as a solution where V is ...
A method used by Gauss to solve the quadratic Diophantine equation of the form mx^2+ny^2=A (Dickson 2005, pp. 391 and 407).
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