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291 - 300 of 2405 for Conjunctive Normal FormSearch Results
A group that coincides with its commutator subgroup. If G is a non-Abelian group, its commutator subgroup is a normal subgroup other than the trivial group. It follows that ...
The volume of a polyhedron composed of N triangular faces with vertices (a_i,b_i,c_i) can be computed using the curl theorem as V=1/6sum_(i=1)^Na_i·n_i, where the normal n_i ...
A short exact sequence of groups A, B, and C is given by two maps alpha:A->B and beta:B->C and is written 0->A->B->C->0. (1) Because it is an exact sequence, alpha is ...
Champernowne's constant C=0.12345678910111213... (1) (OEIS A033307) is the number obtained by concatenating the positive integers and interpreting them as decimal digits to ...
If F(x) is a probability distribution with zero mean and rho=int_(-infty)^infty|x|^3dF(x)<infty, (1) where the above integral is a stieltjes integral, then for all x and n, ...
Let lambda be (possibly complex) eigenvalues of a set of random n×n real matrices with entries independent and taken from a standard normal distribution. Then as n->infty, ...
A basis, form, function, etc., in two or more variables is said to be multilinear if it is linear in each variable separately.
Diagonalize a form over the rationals to diag[p^a·A,p^b·B,...], where all the entries are integers and A, B, ... are relatively prime to p. Then the p-signature of the form ...
An alternating group is a group of even permutations on a set of length n, denoted A_n or Alt(n) (Scott 1987, p. 267). Alternating groups are therefore permutation groups. ...
Given two groups G and H, there are several ways to form a new group. The simplest is the direct product, denoted G×H. As a set, the group direct product is the Cartesian ...