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A measure lambda is absolutely continuous with respect to another measure mu if lambda(E)=0 for every set with mu(E)=0. This makes sense as long as mu is a positive measure, ...
Algorithmic graph theory is the study of graph traversal and generation and the complexity of these operations. Topics in algorithmic graph theory include Eulerian and ...
The Kuratowski reduction theorem states that very nonplanar graph contains either the utility graph UG=K_(3,3) or the pentatope graph K_5 as a graph minor. The graphs K_(3,3) ...
The Maxwell (or Maxwell-Boltzmann) distribution gives the distribution of speeds of molecules in thermal equilibrium as given by statistical mechanics. Defining a=sqrt(kT/m), ...
The Norton-Smith graph is a weakly regular graph on 1134 vertices with regular parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(1134,117,36,(0,12)). It is distance-regular as well as ...
Two totally ordered sets (A,<=) and (B,<=) are order isomorphic iff there is a bijection f from A to B such that for all a_1,a_2 in A, a_1<=a_2 iff f(a_1)<=f(a_2) (Ciesielski ...
A system in which words (expressions) of a formal language can be transformed according to a finite set of rewrite rules is called a reduction system. While reduction systems ...
Building on work of Huntington (1933ab), Robbins conjectured that the equations for a Robbins algebra, commutativity, associativity, and the Robbins axiom !(!(x v y) v !(x v ...
Two complex measures mu and nu on a measure space X, are mutually singular if they are supported on different subsets. More precisely, X=A union B where A and B are two ...
Let (L,<=) be any complete lattice. Suppose f:L->L is monotone increasing (or isotone), i.e., for all x,y in L, x<=y implies f(x)<=f(y). Then the set of all fixed points of f ...