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A computation is an operation that begins with some initial conditions and gives an output which follows from a definite set of rules. The most common example are ...
Decimal is the base-10 notational system for representing real numbers. The expression of a number using the decimal system is called its decimal expansion, examples of which ...
A cone with elliptical cross section. The parametric equations for an elliptic cone of height h, semimajor axis a, and semiminor axis b are x = a(h-u)/hcosv (1) y = ...
The v coordinates are the asymptotic angle of confocal hyperbolic cylinders symmetrical about the x-axis. The u coordinates are confocal elliptic cylinders centered on the ...
A surface of revolution which is generalization of the ring torus. It is produced by rotating an ellipse having horizontal semi-axis a, vertical semi-axis b, embedded in the ...
Consider a Lucas sequence with P>0 and Q=+/-1. A Fibonacci pseudoprime is a composite number n such that V_n=P (mod n). There exist no even Fibonacci pseudoprimes with ...
When referring to a planar object, "free" means that the object is regarded as capable of being picked up out of the plane and flipped over. As a result, mirror images are ...
Gauss's theorema egregium states that the Gaussian curvature of a surface embedded in three-space may be understood intrinsically to that surface. "Residents" of the surface ...
There are two camps of thought on the meaning of general recursive function. One camp considers general recursive functions to be equivalent to the usual recursive functions. ...
A generalized eigenvector for an n×n matrix A is a vector v for which (A-lambdaI)^kv=0 for some positive integer k in Z^+. Here, I denotes the n×n identity matrix. The ...
