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The quintuple product identity, also called the Watson quintuple product identity, states (1) It can also be written (2) or (3) The quintuple product identity can be written ...
The general sextic equation x^6+a_5x^5+a_4x^4+a_3x^3+a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0=0 can be solved in terms of Kampé de Fériet functions, and a restricted class of sextics can be solved in ...
If a random variable X has a chi-squared distribution with m degrees of freedom (chi_m^2) and a random variable Y has a chi-squared distribution with n degrees of freedom ...
A spheroid is an ellipsoid having two axes of equal length, making it a surface of revolution. By convention, the two distinct axis lengths are denoted a and c, and the ...
Let V be a real vector space (e.g., the real continuous functions C(I) on a closed interval I, two-dimensional Euclidean space R^2, the twice differentiable real functions ...
There are several q-analogs of the cosine function. The two natural definitions of the q-cosine defined by Koekoek and Swarttouw (1998) are given by cos_q(z) = ...
The q-analog of the factorial (by analogy with the q-gamma function). For k an integer, the q-factorial is defined by [k]_q! = faq(k,q) (1) = ...
There are several q-analogs of the sine function. The two natural definitions of the q-sine defined by Koekoek and Swarttouw (1998) are given by sin_q(z) = ...
The cylinder function is defined as C(x,y)={1 for sqrt(x^2+y^2)<=a; 0 for sqrt(x^2+y^2)>a. (1) The Bessel functions are sometimes also called cylinder functions. To find the ...
Elliptic alpha functions relate the complete elliptic integrals of the first K(k_r) and second kinds E(k_r) at elliptic integral singular values k_r according to alpha(r) = ...
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