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The 2-1 equation A^n+B^n=C^n (1) is a special case of Fermat's last theorem and so has no solutions for n>=3. Lander et al. (1967) give a table showing the smallest n for ...
Fisher's exact test is a statistical test used to determine if there are nonrandom associations between two categorical variables. Let there exist two such variables X and Y, ...
The fractional edge chromatic number of a graph G is the fractional analog of the edge chromatic number, denoted chi_f^'(G) by Scheinerman and Ullman (2011). It can be ...
There are a number of slightly different definitions of the Fresnel integrals. In physics, the Fresnel integrals denoted C(u) and S(u) are most often defined by C(u)+iS(u) = ...
The determination of whether a Turing machine will come to a halt given a particular input program. The halting problem is solvable for machines with less than four states. ...
A Hamiltonian walk on a connected graph is a closed walk of minimal length which visits every vertex of a graph (and may visit vertices and edges multiple times). For ...
The computation of points or values between ones that are known or tabulated using the surrounding points or values. In particular, given a univariate function f=f(x), ...
A goodness-of-fit test for any statistical distribution. The test relies on the fact that the value of the sample cumulative density function is asymptotically normally ...
A root-finding algorithm which converges to a complex root from any starting position. To motivate the formula, consider an nth order polynomial and its derivatives, P_n(x) = ...
The lattice method is an alternative to long multiplication for numbers. In this approach, a lattice is first constructed, sized to fit the numbers being multiplied. If we ...
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