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7851 - 7860 of 13135 for Computational GeometrySearch Results
Given a power spectrum (a plot of power vs. frequency), aliasing is a false translation of power falling in some frequency range (-f_c,f_c) outside the range. Aliasing is ...
The all-pairs shortest path problem is the determination of the shortest graph distances between every pair of vertices in a given graph. The problem can be solved using n ...
Call a projection of a link an almost alternating projection if one crossing change in the projection makes it an alternating projection. Then an almost alternating link is a ...
An almost perfect number, also known as a least deficient or slightly defective (Singh 1997) number, is a positive integer n for which the divisor function satisfies ...
A function representable as a generalized Fourier series. Let R be a metric space with metric rho(x,y). Following Bohr (1947), a continuous function x(t) for (-infty<t<infty) ...
A magic square for which the number of letters in the word for each number generates another magic square. This definition depends, of course, on the language being used. In ...
The alternating group graph AG_n is the undirected Cayley graph of the set of 2(n-2) generators of the alternating group A_n given by g_3^-, g_3^+, g_4^-, g_4^+, ..., g_n^-, ...
A link which has a link diagram with alternating underpasses and overpasses. The proportion of links which are alternating tends exponentially to zero with increasing ...
An ambient isotopy from an embedding of a manifold M in N to another is a homotopy of self diffeomorphisms (or isomorphisms, or piecewise-linear transformations, etc.) of N, ...
A Banach algebra A for which H^1(A,X^*)=Z^1(A,X^*)/B^1(A,X^*)=0 for all Banach A-bimodules X is called amenable (or Johnson amenable; Helemskii 1989, 1997). This notion was ...
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