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4231 - 4240 of 13135 for Computational GeometrySearch Results

The robustness of a given outcome to small changes in initial conditions or small random fluctuations. Chaos is an example of a process which is not stable.
A type II Markov move.
The measurable space (S^',S^') into which a random variable from a probability space is a measurable function.
The value at a stationary point.
(Deltau)_i^2=(u_i-u^_)^2, where u^_ is the average of {u_i}.
The probability of getting a positive result for a given test which should produce a positive result.
A method of stochastic optimization including techniques such as gradient search or Robbins-Monro stochastic approximation.
A function f(t) of one or more parameters containing a noise term epsilon(t) f(t)=L(t)+epsilon(t), where the noise is (without loss of generality) assumed to be additive.
If 0<=g(x)<=1 and g is nonincreasing on the interval [0, 1], then for all possible values of a and b, int_0^1g(x^(1/(a+b)))dx>=int_0^1g(x^(1/a))dxint_0^1g(x^(1/b))dx.
The p-adic norm satisfies |x+y|_p<=max(|x|_p,|y|_p) for all x and y.
