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11241 - 11250 of 13135 for Computational GeometrySearch Results
A googol is a large number equal to 10^(10^2)=10^(100) (i.e., a 1 with 100 zeros following it). Written out explicitly, ...
The Gosset graph is a 27-regular graph on 56 vertices which is the skeleton of the Gosset polytope 3_(21). It is a distance-regular graph with intersection array ...
The polynomials G_n(x;a,b) given by the associated Sheffer sequence with f(t)=e^(at)(e^(bt)-1), (1) where b!=0. The inverse function (and therefore generating function) ...
Let theta(t) be the Riemann-Siegel function. The unique value g_n such that theta(g_n)=pin (1) where n=0, 1, ... is then known as a Gram point (Edwards 2001, pp. 125-126). An ...
A grammar defining formal language L is a quadruple (N,T,R,S), where N is a finite set of nonterminals, T is a finite set of terminal symbols, R is a finite set of ...
A bridge of a connected graph is a graph edge whose removal disconnects the graph (Chartrand 1985, p. 45; Skiena 1990, p. 177). More generally, a bridge is an edge of a ...
The center of a graph G is the set of vertices of graph eccentricity equal to the graph radius (i.e., the set of central points). In the above illustration, center nodes are ...
The graph diameter of a graph is the length max_(u,v)d(u,v) of the "longest shortest path" (i.e., the longest graph geodesic) between any two graph vertices (u,v), where ...
For an undirected graph, an unordered pair of nodes that specify a line joining these two nodes are said to form an edge. For a directed graph, the edge is an ordered pair of ...
Let a tree S be a subgraph of a cubic graph G. The graph excision G circleminus S is the graph resulting from removing the tree, then merging the edges. For example, if in ...
