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10641 - 10650 of 13135 for Computational GeometrySearch Results
The upper irredundance number IR(G) of a graph G is the maximum size of an irredundant set of vertices in G. It is therefore equal to the size of a maximum irredundant set as ...
A triangular matrix U of the form U_(ij)={a_(ij) for i<=j; 0 for i>j. (1) Written explicitly, U=[a_(11) a_(12) ... a_(1n); 0 a_(22) ... a_(2n); | | ... |; 0 0 ... a_(nn)]. ...
An urelement contains no elements, belongs to some set, and is not identical with the empty set (Moore 1982, p. 3; Rubin 1967, p. 23). "Ur" is a German prefix which is ...
A characterization of normal spaces which states that a topological space X is normal iff, for any two nonempty closed disjoint subsets A, and B of X, there is a continuous ...
The (m,q)-Ustimenko graph is the distance-1 or distance-2 graph of the dual polar graph on [C_m(q)] (Brouwer et al. 1989, p. 279). The Ustimenko graph with parameters m and q ...
The validity of a logical argument refers to whether or not the conclusion follows logically from the premises, i.e., whether it is possible to deduce the conclusion from the ...
Consider the problem of comparing two real numbers x and y based on their continued fraction representations. Then the mean number of iterations needed to determine if x<y or ...
Delta(x_1,...,x_n) = |1 x_1 x_1^2 ... x_1^(n-1); 1 x_2 x_2^2 ... x_2^(n-1); | | | ... |; 1 x_n x_n^2 ... x_n^(n-1)| (1) = product_(i,j; i>j)(x_i-x_j) (2) (Sharpe 1987). For ...
In machine learning theory, the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension or VC-dimension of a concept class C is the cardinality of the largest set S which can be shattered by C. If ...
Vardi's integral is the beautiful definite integral int_(pi/4)^(pi/2)lnlntanxdx = pi/2ln[sqrt(2pi)(Gamma(3/4))/(Gamma(1/4))] (1) = pi/4ln[(4pi^3)/(Gamma^4(1/4))] (2) = ...
