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10541 - 10550 of 13135 for Computational GeometrySearch Results
A foliation F of dimension p on a manifold M is transversely orientable if it is integral to a p-plane distribution D on M whose normal bundle Q is orientable. A p-plane ...
Informally, a function f:{0,1}^(l(n))×{0,1}^n->{0,1}^(m(n)) is a trapdoor one-way function if 1. It is a one-way function, and 2. For fixed public key y in {0,1}^(l(n)), ...
The 2-point Newton-Cotes formula int_(x_1)^(x_2)f(x)dx=1/2h(f_1+f_2)-1/(12)h^3f^('')(xi), where f_i=f(x_i), h is the separation between the points, and xi is a point ...
A tree decomposition is a mapping of a graph into a related tree with desirable properties that allow it to be used to efficiently compute certain properties (e.g., ...
A brute-force method of finding a divisor of an integer n by simply plugging in one or a set of integers and seeing if they divide n. Repeated application of trial division ...
A triangle-free graph is a graph containing no graph cycles of length three. A simple graph is triangle-free iff Tr(A^3)=0, where A is the adjacency matrix of the graph and ...
A triangle-replaced graph T(G) is a cubic graph in which each vertex is replaced by a triangle graph such that each vertex of the triangle is connected to one of the ...
The above two figures are rearrangements of each other, with the corresponding triangles and polyominoes having the same areas. Nevertheless, the bottom figure has an area ...
The triangle function is the function Lambda(x) = {0 |x|>=1; 1-|x| |x|<1 (1) = Pi(x)*Pi(x) (2) = Pi(x)*H(x+1/2)-Pi(x)*H(x-1/2), (3) where Pi(x) is the rectangle function, ...
Let x and y be vectors. Then the triangle inequality is given by |x|-|y|<=|x+y|<=|x|+|y|. (1) Equivalently, for complex numbers z_1 and z_2, ...
