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10271 - 10280 of 13135 for Computational GeometrySearch Results
A series expansion is a representation of a particular function as a sum of powers in one of its variables, or by a sum of powers of another (usually elementary) function ...
Serret's integral is given by int_0^1(ln(x+1))/(x^2+1)dx = 1/8piln2 (1) = 0.272198... (2) (OEIS A102886; Serret 1844; Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 2000, eqn. 4.291.8; Boros and Moll ...
A class is a generalized set invented to get around Russell's antinomy while retaining the arbitrary criteria for membership which leads to difficulty for sets. The members ...
The general sextic equation x^6+a_5x^5+a_4x^4+a_3x^3+a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0=0 can be solved in terms of Kampé de Fériet functions, and a restricted class of sextics can be solved in ...
A sextic graph is a regular graph of degree six. The numbers of simple sextic graphs on n=7, 8, ... nodes are 1, 1, 4, 21, 266, 7846, 367860, ... (OEIS A006822). Examples are ...
Seymour conjectured that a graph G of order n with minimum vertex degree delta(G)>=kn/(k+1) contains the kth graph power of a Hamiltonian cycle, generalizing Pósa's ...
The shah function is defined by m(x) = sum_(n=-infty)^(infty)delta(x-n) (1) = sum_(n=-infty)^(infty)delta(x+n), (2) where delta(x) is the delta function, so m(x)=0 for x not ...
Define f(x_1,x_2,...,x_n) with x_i positive as f(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)=sum_(i=1)^nx_i+sum_(1<=i<=k<=n)product_(j=i)^k1/(x_j). (1) Then minf=3n-C+o(1) (2) as n increases, where the ...
Let p(n) be the first prime which follows a prime gap of n between consecutive primes. Shanks' conjecture holds that p(n)∼exp(sqrt(n)). Wolf conjectures a slightly different ...
Consider the sum (1) where the x_js are nonnegative and the denominators are positive. Shapiro (1954) asked if f_n(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)>=1/2n (2) for all n. It turns out ...
