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10251 - 10260 of 13135 for Computational GeometrySearch Results
A point process N is called self-correcting if cov(N(s,t),N(t,u))<0 for s<t<u where here, cov denotes the covariance of the two quantities. Intuitively, a process is ...
The sequence 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, ... (OEIS A002024) consisting of 1 copy of 1, 2 copies of 2, 3 copies of 3, and so on. Surprisingly, there exist simple formulas ...
A self-dual graphs is a graph that is dual to itself. Wheel graphs are self-dual, as are the examples illustrated above. Naturally, the skeleton of a self-dual polyhedron is ...
A point process N is called self-exciting if cov(N(s,t),N(t,u))>0 for s<t<u where here, cov denotes the covariance of the two quantities. Intuitively, a process is ...
A semialgebraic set is a subset of R^n which is a finite Boolean combination of sets of the form {x^_=(x_1,...,x_n):f(x^_)>0} and {x^_:g(x^_)=0}, where f and g are ...
A "split" extension G of groups N and F which contains a subgroup F^_ isomorphic to F with G=F^_N^_ and F^_ intersection N^_={e} (Ito 1987, p. 710). Then the semidirect ...
A mathematical object defined for a set and a binary operator in which the multiplication operation is associative. No other restrictions are placed on a semigroup; thus a ...
The semigroup algebra K[S], where K is a field and S a semigroup, is formally defined in the same way as the group algebra K[G]. Similarly, a semigroup ring R[S] is a ...
A topological space X is semilocally simply connected (also called semilocally 1-connected) if every point x in X has a neighborhood U such that any loop L:[0,1]->U with ...
A semimagic square is a square that fails to be a magic square only because one or both of the main diagonal sums do not equal the magic constant (Kraitchik 1942, p. 143). ...
