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10071 - 10080 of 13135 for Computational GeometrySearch Results
A random variable is a measurable function from a probability space (S,S,P) into a measurable space (S^',S^') known as the state space (Doob 1996). Papoulis (1984, p. 88) ...
A random variate is a variable generated from uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers. Depending on how they are generated, a random variate can be uniformly or ...
In a plane, consider a sum of N two-dimensional vectors with random orientations. Use phasor notation, and let the phase of each vector be random. Assume N unit steps are ...
On a three-dimensional lattice, a random walk has less than unity probability of reaching any point (including the starting point) as the number of steps approaches infinity. ...
If f:D->Y is a map (a.k.a. function, transformation, etc.) over a domain D, then the range of f, also called the image of D under f, is defined as the set of all values that ...
If the rank polynomial R(x,y) of a graph G is given by sumrho_(rs)x^ry^s, then rho_(rs) is the number of subgraphs of G with rank r and co-rank s, and the matrix (rho_(rs)) ...
Let u_k be a series with positive terms and suppose rho=lim_(k->infty)(u_(k+1))/(u_k). Then 1. If rho<1, the series converges. 2. If rho>1 or rho=infty, the series diverges. ...
If alpha is any number and m and n are integers, then there is a rational number m/n for which |alpha-m/n|<=1/n. (1) If alpha is irrational and k is any whole number, there ...
A quotient of two polynomials P(z) and Q(z), R(z)=(P(z))/(Q(z)), is called a rational function, or sometimes a rational polynomial function. More generally, if P and Q are ...
A technique for computing eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. It proceeds by requiring J=int_a^b[p(x)y_x^2-q(x)y^2]dx (1) to have a stationary value subject to the normalization ...
