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The term "indeterminate" is sometimes used as a synonym for unknown or variable (Becker and Weispfenning 1993, p. 188). A mathematical expression can also be said to be ...
The Kronecker-Weber theorem, sometimes known as the Kronecker-Weber-Hilbert theorem, is one of the earliest known results in class field theory. In layman's terms, the ...
Cubic lattice sums include the following: b_2(2s) = sum^'_(i,j=-infty)^infty((-1)^(i+j))/((i^2+j^2)^s) (1) b_3(2s) = ...
The appearance of nontrivial zeros (i.e., those along the critical strip with R[z]=1/2) of the Riemann zeta function zeta(z) very close together. An example is the pair of ...
Let s=1/(sqrt(2pi))[Gamma(1/4)]^2=5.2441151086... (1) (OEIS A064853) be the arc length of a lemniscate with a=1. Then the lemniscate constant is the quantity L = 1/2s (2) = ...
The modular equation of degree n gives an algebraic connection of the form (K^'(l))/(K(l))=n(K^'(k))/(K(k)) (1) between the transcendental complete elliptic integrals of the ...
A function is said to be modular (or "elliptic modular") if it satisfies: 1. f is meromorphic in the upper half-plane H, 2. f(Atau)=f(tau) for every matrix A in the modular ...
If r is an algebraic number of degree n, then the totality of all expressions that can be constructed from r by repeated additions, subtractions, multiplications, and ...
Given a sample of n variates X_1, ..., X_N, reorder them so that Y_1<Y_2<...<Y_N. Then Y_i is called the ith order statistic (Hogg and Craig 1970, p. 146), sometimes also ...
The first theorem of Pappus states that the surface area S of a surface of revolution generated by the revolution of a curve about an external axis is equal to the product of ...
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