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641 - 650 of 1210 for Complex SubtractionSearch Results
Let f(x) be a real entire function of the form f(x)=sum_(k=0)^inftygamma_k(x^k)/(k!), (1) where the gamma_ks are positive and satisfy Turán's inequalities ...
D_(KY)=j+(sigma_1+...+sigma_j)/(|sigma_(j+1)|), (1) where sigma_1<=sigma_n are Lyapunov characteristic exponents and j is the largest integer for which ...
The fractal curve illustrated above, with base curve and motif illustrated below.
In space, the only conformal mappings are inversions, similarity transformations, and congruence transformations. Or, restated, every angle-preserving transformation is a ...
A curve on which points of a map z_n (such as the Mandelbrot set) diverge to a given value r_(max) at the same rate. A common method of obtaining lemniscates is to define an ...
The winding number W(theta) of a map f(theta) with initial value theta is defined by W(theta)=lim_(n->infty)(f^n(theta)-theta)/n, which represents the average increase in the ...
A_m(lambda)=int_(-infty)^inftycos[1/2mphi(t)-lambdat]dt, (1) where the function phi(t)=4tan^(-1)(e^t)-pi (2) describes the motion along the pendulum separatrix. Chirikov ...
Also known as Kolmogorov entropy, Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, or KS entropy. The metric entropy is 0 for nonchaotic motion and >0 for chaotic motion.
Let f be analytic on a domain U subset= C, and assume that f never vanishes. Then if there is a point z_0 in U such that |f(z_0)|<=|f(z)| for all z in U, then f is constant. ...
A fractal based on iterating the map F(x)=ax+(2(1-a)x^2)/(1+x^2) (1) according to x_(n+1) = by_n+F(x_n) (2) x_(y+1) = -x_n+F(x_(n+1)). (3) The plots above show 10^4 ...
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