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541 - 550 of 1210 for Complex SubtractionSearch Results
A vector is formally defined as an element of a vector space. In the commonly encountered vector space R^n (i.e., Euclidean n-space), a vector is given by n coordinates and ...
If r is a root of the polynomial equation x^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_1x+a_0=0, where the a_is are integers and r satisfies no similar equation of degree <n, then r is called an ...
Arithmetic is the branch of mathematics dealing with integers or, more generally, numerical computation. Arithmetical operations include addition, congruence calculation, ...
The first definition of the logarithm was constructed by Napier and popularized through his posthumous pamphlet (Napier 1619). It this pamphlet, Napier sought to reduce the ...
Trigonometric functions of npi/9 radians for n an integer not divisible by 3 (e.g., 40 degrees and 80 degrees) cannot be expressed in terms of sums, products, and finite root ...
A unit circle is a circle of unit radius, i.e., of radius 1. The unit circle plays a significant role in a number of different areas of mathematics. For example, the ...
The imaginary number i=sqrt(-1), i.e., the square root of -1. The imaginary unit is denoted and commonly referred to as "i." Although there are two possible square roots of ...
If Omega subset= C is a domain and phi:Omega->C is a one-to-one analytic function, then phi(Omega) is a domain, and area(phi(Omega))=int_Omega|phi^'(z)|^2dxdy (Krantz 1999, ...
The negative real axis is the portion of the real axis with x<0.
The positive real axis is the portion of the real axis with x>0.
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