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In 1757, V. Riccati first recorded the generalizations of the hyperbolic functions defined by F_(n,r)^alpha(x)=sum_(k=0)^infty(alpha^k)/((nk+r)!)x^(nk+r), (1) for r=0, ..., ...
A root-finding algorithm which converges to a complex root from any starting position. To motivate the formula, consider an nth order polynomial and its derivatives, P_n(x) = ...
Given a square complex or real matrix A, a matrix norm ||A|| is a nonnegative number associated with A having the properties 1. ||A||>0 when A!=0 and ||A||=0 iff A=0, 2. ...
Let A be an involutive algebra over the field C of complex numbers with involution xi|->xi^♯. Then A is a modular Hilbert algebra if A has an inner product <··> and a ...
The Pauli matrices, also called the Pauli spin matrices, are complex matrices that arise in Pauli's treatment of spin in quantum mechanics. They are defined by sigma_1 = ...
There are two types of singular values, one in the context of elliptic integrals, and the other in linear algebra. For a square matrix A, the square roots of the eigenvalues ...
One or both of the square bracket symbols [ and ] are used in many different contexts in mathematics. 1. Square brackets are occasionally used in especially complex ...
In the early 1960s, B. Birch and H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer conjectured that if a given elliptic curve has an infinite number of solutions, then the associated L-series has ...
A symmetric matrix is a square matrix that satisfies A^(T)=A, (1) where A^(T) denotes the transpose, so a_(ij)=a_(ji). This also implies A^(-1)A^(T)=I, (2) where I is the ...
The uniformity conjecture postulates a relationship between the syntactic length of expressions built up from the natural numbers using field operations, exponentials, and ...
