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431 - 440 of 1210 for Complex SubtractionSearch Results
A field K is said to be an extension field (or field extension, or extension), denoted K/F, of a field F if F is a subfield of K. For example, the complex numbers are an ...
Fuglede (1974) conjectured that a domain Omega admits an operator spectrum iff it is possible to tile R^d by a family of translates of Omega. Fuglede proved the conjecture in ...
A second-order linear Hermitian operator is an operator L^~ that satisfies int_a^bv^_L^~udx=int_a^buL^~v^_dx. (1) where z^_ denotes a complex conjugate. As shown in ...
A power series in a variable z is an infinite sum of the form sum_(i=0)^inftya_iz^i, where a_i are integers, real numbers, complex numbers, or any other quantities of a given ...
The word residue is used in a number of different contexts in mathematics. Two of the most common uses are the complex residue of a pole, and the remainder of a congruence. ...
Given a Taylor series f(z)=sum_(n=0)^inftyC_nz^n=sum_(n=0)^inftyC_nr^ne^(intheta), (1) where the complex number z has been written in the polar form z=re^(itheta), examine ...
A bar (also called an overbar) is a horizontal line written above a mathematical symbol to give it some special meaning. If the bar is placed over a single symbol, as in x^_ ...
If a contour in the complex plane is curved such that it separates the increasing and decreasing sequences of poles, then ...
The Barth decic is a decic surface in complex three-dimensional projective space having the maximum possible number of ordinary double points, namely 345. It is given by the ...
Gray (1997) defines Bour's minimal curve over complex z by x^' = (z^(m-1))/(m-1)-(z^(m+1))/(m+1) (1) y^' = i((z^(m-1))/(m-1)+(z^(m+1))/(m+1)) (2) z^' = (2z^m)/m, (3) and then ...
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