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31 - 40 of 1210 for Complex SubtractionSearch Results

The extended complex plane is the name given to the complex plane with a point at infinity attached: C union {infty^~}, where infty^~ denotes complex infinity. It is also ...
A complex manifold is a manifold M whose coordinate charts are open subsets of C^n and the transition functions between charts are holomorphic functions. Naturally, a complex ...
A CW-complex is a homotopy-theoretic generalization of the notion of a simplicial complex. A CW-complex is any space X which can be built by starting off with a discrete ...
A simplicial complex is a space with a triangulation. Formally, a simplicial complex K in R^n is a collection of simplices in R^n such that 1. Every face of a simplex of K is ...
A measure which takes values in the complex numbers. The set of complex measures on a measure space X forms a vector space. Note that this is not the case for the more common ...
A chain complex is a sequence of maps ...-->^(partial_(i+1))C_i-->^(partial_i)C_(i-1)-->^(partial_(i-1))..., (1) where the spaces C_i may be Abelian groups or modules. The ...
A simplicial complex K is said to be locally finite if each vertex of K belongs only to finitely many simplices of K.
The complex structure of a point x=x_1,x_2 in the plane is defined by the linear map J:R^2->R^2 J(x_1,x_2)=(-x_2,x_1), (1) and corresponds to a counterclockwise rotation by ...
A matrix whose elements may contain complex numbers. The matrix product of two 2×2 complex matrices is given by (1) where R_(11) = ...
An abstract simplicial complex is a collection S of finite nonempty sets such that if A is an element of S, then so is every nonempty subset of A (Munkres 1993, p. 15).
