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291 - 300 of 1210 for Complex SubtractionSearch Results
Given a vector space V, its projectivization P(V), sometimes written P(V-0), is the set of equivalence classes x∼lambdax for any lambda!=0 in V-0. For example, complex ...
A removable singularity is a singular point z_0 of a function f(z) for which it is possible to assign a complex number in such a way that f(z) becomes analytic. A more ...
An algorithm that can always be used to decide whether a given polynomial is free of zeros in the closed unit disk (or, using an entire linear transformation, to any other ...
There are at least two statements which go by the name of Artin's conjecture. If r is any complex finite-dimensional representation of the absolute Galois group of a number ...
The complementary subspace problem asks, in general, which closed subspaces of a Banach space are complemented (Johnson and Lindenstrauss 2001). Phillips (1940) proved that ...
The line R[s]=1/2 in the complex plane on which the Riemann hypothesis asserts that all nontrivial (complex) Riemann zeta function zeros lie. The plot above shows the first ...
A square matrix is called Hermitian if it is self-adjoint. Therefore, a Hermitian matrix A=(a_(ij)) is defined as one for which A=A^(H), (1) where A^(H) denotes the conjugate ...
A Hilbert space is a vector space H with an inner product <f,g> such that the norm defined by |f|=sqrt(<f,f>) turns H into a complete metric space. If the metric defined by ...
The Riemann theta function is a complex function of g complex variables that occurs in the construction of quasi-periodic solutions of various equations in mathematical ...
The turning of an object or coordinate system by an angle about a fixed point. A rotation is an orientation-preserving orthogonal transformation. Euler's rotation theorem ...
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