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231 - 240 of 1210 for Complex SubtractionSearch Results
There are at least two definitions of hypercomplex numbers. Clifford algebraists call their higher dimensional numbers hypercomplex, even though they do not share all the ...
If {a_j} subset= D(0,1) (with possible repetitions) satisfies sum_(j=1)^infty(1-|a_j|)<=infty, where D(0,1) is the unit open disk, and no a_j=0, then there is a bounded ...
Let 0<p_1<p_2<... be integers and suppose that there exists a lambda>1 such that p_(j+1)/p_j>lambda for j=1, 2, .... Suppose that for some sequence of complex numbers {a_j} ...
A Pólya plot is a plot of the vector field of (R[f(z)],-I[f(z)]) of a complex function f(z). Several examples are shown above. Pólya plots can be created in the Wolfram ...
A branch cut is a curve (with ends possibly open, closed, or half-open) in the complex plane across which an analytic multivalued function is discontinuous. For convenience, ...
A transcendental number is a (possibly complex) number that is not the root of any integer polynomial, meaning that it is not an algebraic number of any degree. Every real ...
Let P(z) and Q(z) be univariate polynomials in a complex variable z, and let the polynomial degrees of P and Q satisfy deg(Q)>=deg(P+2). Then int_gamma(P(z))/(Q(z))dz = ...
Let the characteristic polynomial of an n×n complex matrix A be written in the form P(lambda) = |lambdaI-A| (1) = ...
The canonical bundle is a holomorphic line bundle on a complex manifold which is determined by its complex structure. On a coordinate chart (z_1,...z_n), it is spanned by the ...
Let A=a_(ij) be an n×n matrix with complex (or real) entries and eigenvalues lambda_1, lambda_2, ..., lambda_n, then sum_(i=1)^n|lambda_i|^2<=sum_(i,j=1)^n|a_(ij)|^2 (1) ...
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