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The important binomial theorem states that sum_(k=0)^n(n; k)r^k=(1+r)^n. (1) Consider sums of powers of binomial coefficients a_n^((r)) = sum_(k=0)^(n)(n; k)^r (2) = ...
The Catalan numbers on nonnegative integers n are a set of numbers that arise in tree enumeration problems of the type, "In how many ways can a regular n-gon be divided into ...
A circle packing is an arrangement of circles inside a given boundary such that no two overlap and some (or all) of them are mutually tangent. The generalization to spheres ...
A problem posed by L. Collatz in 1937, also called the 3x+1 mapping, 3n+1 problem, Hasse's algorithm, Kakutani's problem, Syracuse algorithm, Syracuse problem, Thwaites ...
The cube is the Platonic solid composed of six square faces that meet each other at right angles and has eight vertices and 12 edges. It is also the uniform polyhedron with ...
A harmonic number is a number of the form H_n=sum_(k=1)^n1/k (1) arising from truncation of the harmonic series. A harmonic number can be expressed analytically as ...
The Euler-Mascheroni constant gamma, sometimes also called 'Euler's constant' or 'the Euler constant' (but not to be confused with the constant e=2.718281...) is defined as ...
The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section, is a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in simple geometric ...
In mathematics, a knot is defined as a closed, non-self-intersecting curve that is embedded in three dimensions and cannot be untangled to produce a simple loop (i.e., the ...
The constant pi, denoted pi, is a real number defined as the ratio of a circle's circumference C to its diameter d=2r, pi = C/d (1) = C/(2r) (2) pi has decimal expansion ...
