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511 - 520 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results

A set of vectors is maximally linearly independent if including any other vector in the vector space would make it linearly dependent (i.e., if any other vector in the space ...
Let V be a variety, and write G(V) for the set of divisors, G_l(V) for the set of divisors linearly equivalent to 0, and G_a(V) for the group of divisors algebraically equal ...
The set of all Schwartz functions is called a Schwartz space and is denoted S(R^n). If C_0^infty(R^n) denotes the set of smooth functions of compact support on R^n, then this ...
"Aggregate" is an archaic word for infinite sets such as those considered by Georg Cantor. The term is sometimes also used to refer to a finite or infinite set in which ...
If x is a member of a set A, then x is said to be an element of A, written x in A. If x is not an element of A, this is written x not in A. The term element also refers to a ...
A set A in a first-countable space is dense in B if B=A union L, where L is the set of limit points of A. For example, the rational numbers are dense in the reals. In ...
The ascending chain condition, commonly abbreviated "A.C.C.," for a partially ordered set X requires that all increasing sequences in X become eventually constant. A module M ...
A topological basis is a subset B of a set T in which all other open sets can be written as unions or finite intersections of B. For the real numbers, the set of all open ...
Given a set P of primes, a field K is called a class field if it is a maximal normal extension of the rationals which splits all of the primes in P, and if P is the maximal ...
Let a graph G=(V,E) be defined on vertex set V and edge set E. Then a construction sequence (or c-sequence) for G is a linear order on V union E in which each edge appears ...
