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261 - 270 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results

The ideal generated by a set in a vector space.
A set equipped with a sigma-algebra of subsets.
The fractal J(-3/4,0), where J is the Julia set. It slightly resembles the Mandelbrot set.
A Julia set with c=-0.390541-0.586788i. The fractal somewhat resembles the better known Mandelbrot set.
The Berlekamp-van Lint-Seidel graph is the Hamiltonian strongly regular graph on 243 vertices with parameters (243,22,1,2). It is also distance-regular with intersection ...
Draw lines P_AQ_A, P_BQ_B, and P_CQ_C through the symmedian point K and parallel to the sides of the triangle DeltaABC. The points where the parallel lines intersect the ...
The theorem, originally conjectured by Berge (1960, 1961), that a graph is perfect iff neither the graph nor its graph complement contains an odd graph cycle of length at ...
A complete k-partite graph is a k-partite graph (i.e., a set of graph vertices decomposed into k disjoint sets such that no two graph vertices within the same set are ...
For every partition of all the points on a line into two nonempty sets such that no point of either lies between two points of the other, there is a point of one set which ...
A set in R^d formed by translating an affine subspace or by the intersection of a set of hyperplanes.
