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1391 - 1400 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results
The special unitary group SU_n(q) is the set of n×n unitary matrices with determinant +1 (having n^2-1 independent parameters). SU(2) is homeomorphic with the orthogonal ...
Let G be a permutation group on a set Omega and x be an element of Omega. Then G_x={g in G:g(x)=x} (1) is called the stabilizer of x and consists of all the permutations of G ...
The total graph T(G) of a graph G has a vertex for each edge and vertex of G and an edge in T(G) for every edge-edge, vertex-edge, and vertex-vertex adjacency in G ...
Let Omega be a bounded open set in R^d whose boundary partialOmega is at least C^1 smooth and let T:C_c^1(Omega^_)->L^p(partialOmega) (1) be a linear operator defined by ...
The trivial group, denoted E or <e>, sometimes also called the identity group, is the unique (up to isomorphism) group containing exactly one element e, the identity element. ...
The term two-sided ideal is used in noncommutative rings to denote a subset that is both a right ideal and a left ideal. In commutative rings, where right and left are ...
The vertex cover number is the size of a minimum vertex cover in a graph G is known as the vertex cover number of G, denoted tau(G). The König-Egeváry theorem states that the ...
The matrix product of a square set of data d and a matrix of basis vectors consisting of Walsh functions. By taking advantage of the nested structure of the natural ordering ...
The word weight has many uses in mathematics. It can refer to a function w(x) (also called a weighting function or weighting function) used to normalize orthogonal functions. ...
WireWorld is a two-dimensional four-color cellular automaton introduced by Brian Silverman in 1987. The rule for the automaton uses the cell's old value a together with the ...
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