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651 - 660 of 1334 for Circle CatacausticSearch Results
A law in (2-valued) logic which states there is no third alternative to truth or falsehood. In other words, for any statement A, either A or not-A must be true and the other ...
The inverse curve of a lemniscate in a circle centered at the origin and touching the lemniscate where it crosses the x-axis produces a rectangular hyperbola (Wells 1991).
The infinitesimal algebraic object associated with a Lie groupoid. A Lie algebroid over a manifold B is a vector bundle A over B with a Lie algebra structure [,] (Lie ...
The line bisecting a given line segment P_1P_2 can be constructed geometrically, as illustrated above.
product_(i)dp_idq_i, where p_i and q_i are momenta and positions of particles.
In space, the only conformal mappings are inversions, similarity transformations, and congruence transformations. Or, restated, every angle-preserving transformation is a ...
The name Lobachevsky's function is sometimes given to the function Lambda(theta)=1/2Cl_2(2theta), also denoted Pi(theta), where Cl_2(x) is Clausen's integral.
A major arc (right figure) is an arc of a circle having measure greater than or equal to 180 degrees (pi radians).
A map u:R^n->R^n from a domain G is called a map of class C^r if each component of u(x)=(u_1(x_1,...,x_n),...,u_m(x_1,...,x_n)) is of class C^r (0<=r<=infty or r=omega) in G, ...
A compact manifold admits a Lorentzian structure iff its Euler characteristic vanishes. Therefore, every noncompact manifold admits a Lorentzian structure.