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591 - 600 of 763 for Chi Squared DistributionSearch Results
A constant-curvature surface which can be given parametrically by x = rcosphi (1) y = rsinphi (2) z = (ln[tan(1/2v)]+a(C+1)cosv)/(sqrt(C)), (3) where phi = ...
The sigmoid function, also called the sigmoidal curve (von Seggern 2007, p. 148) or logistic function, is the function y=1/(1+e^(-x)). (1) It has derivative (dy)/(dx) = ...
The average number of regions N(n) into which n lines divide a square is N^_(n)=1/(16)n(n-1)pi+n+1 (Santaló 1976; Finch 2003, p. 481). The maximum number of sequences is ...
The square knot, also called the reef knot, is a composite knot of six crossings consisting of a knot sum of a trefoil knot and its mirror image (Rolfsen 1976, p. 220). The ...
The number of staircase walks on a grid with m horizontal lines and n vertical lines is given by (m+n; m)=((m+n)!)/(m!n!) (Vilenkin 1971, Mohanty 1979, Narayana 1979, Finch ...
(1) for p in [-1/2,1/2], where delta is the central difference and S_(2n+1) = 1/2(p+n; 2n+1) (2) S_(2n+2) = p/(2n+2)(p+n; 2n+1), (3) with (n; k) a binomial coefficient.
A noncylindrical ruled surface always has a parameterization of the form x(u,v)=sigma(u)+vdelta(u), (1) where |delta|=1, sigma^'·delta^'=0, and sigma is called the striction ...
The triangle function is the function Lambda(x) = {0 |x|>=1; 1-|x| |x|<1 (1) = Pi(x)*Pi(x) (2) = Pi(x)*H(x+1/2)-Pi(x)*H(x-1/2), (3) where Pi(x) is the rectangle function, ...
Triangle picking is the process of picking triangles at random within a given shape in the plane, in space, or in a higher dimension. The most natural definition of a random ...
Let L denote the n×n triangular lattice with wraparound. Call an orientation of L an assignment of a direction to each edge of L, and denote the number of orientations of L ...