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71 - 80 of 354 for Cauchy Frobenius LemmaSearch Results
Let f be a family of meromorphic functions on the unit disk D which are not normal at 0. Then there exist sequences f_n in F, z_n, rho_n, and a nonconstant function f ...
When ac is divisible by a number b that is relatively prime to a, then c must be divisible by b.
int_0^pi(sin[(n+1/2)x])/(2sin(1/2x))dx=1/2pi, where the integral kernel is the Dirichlet kernel.
If G is a perfect group, then the group center of the quotient group G/Z(G), where Z(G) is the group center of G, is the trivial group.
Let R be a number ring of degree n with 2s imaginary embeddings. Then every ideal class of R contains an ideal J such that ||J||<=(n!)/(n^n)(4/pi)^ssqrt(|disc(R)|), where ...
The image on the Riemann sphere of any circle under a complex rational mapping with numerator and denominator having degrees no more than n has length no longer than 2npi.
If, for n>=0, beta_n=sum_(r=0)^n(alpha_r)/((q;q)_(n-r)(aq;q)_(n+r)), (1) then beta_n^'=sum_(r=0)^n(alpha_r^')/((q;q)_(n-r)(aq;q)_(n+r)), (2) where alpha_r^' = ...
An embedding of a 1-sphere in a 3-manifold which exists continuously over the 2-disk also extends over the disk as an embedding. An alternate phrasing is that if a knot group ...
Given a short exact sequence of modules 0->A->B->C->0, (1) let ...->P_2->^(d_2)P_1->^(d_1)P_0->^(d_0)A->0 (2) ...->Q_2->^(f_2)Q_1->^(f_1)Q_0->^(f_0)C->0 (3) be projective ...
If {f_n} is a sequence of nonnegative measurable functions, then intlim inf_(n->infty)f_ndmu<=lim inf_(n->infty)intf_ndmu. (1) An example of a sequence of functions for which ...