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271 - 280 of 354 for Cauchy Frobenius LemmaSearch Results
If the integral coefficients C_0, C_1, ..., C_(N-1) of the polynomial f(x)=C_0+C_1x+C_2x^2+...+C_(N-1)x^(N-1)+x^N are divisible by a prime number p, while the free term C_0 ...
A characterization of normal spaces with respect to the definition given by Kelley (1955, p. 112) or Willard (1970, p. 99). It states that the topological space X is normal ...
A distance graph with distance set (0,1].
A continuous-time stochastic process W(t) for t>=0 with W(0)=0 and such that the increment W(t)-W(s) is Gaussian with mean 0 and variance t-s for any 0<=s<t, and increments ...
Eigenvalues are a special set of scalars associated with a linear system of equations (i.e., a matrix equation) that are sometimes also known as characteristic roots, ...
The graph distance matrix, sometimes also called the all-pairs shortest path matrix, is the square matrix (d_(ij)) consisting of all graph distances from vertex v_i to vertex ...
_3F_2[n,-x,-y; x+n+1,y+n+1] =Gamma(x+n+1)Gamma(y+n+1)Gamma(1/2n+1)Gamma(x+y+1/2n+1) ×Gamma(n+1)Gamma(x+y+n+1)Gamma(x+1/2n+1)Gamma(y+1/2n+1), (1) where _3F_2(a,b,c;d,e;z) is a ...
A doubly stochastic matrix is a matrix A=(a_(ij)) such that a_(ij)>=0 and sum_(i)a_(ij)=sum_(j)a_(ij)=1 is some field for all i and j. In other words, both the matrix itself ...
Flower graphs are a name given in this work to the generalization of the flower snarks J_n for positive n=5, 7, 9, ... to all integer n>=5. They are illustrated above for n=5 ...
The five Mathieu groups M_(11), M_(12), M_(22), M_(23), and M_(24) were the first sporadic groups discovered, having been found in 1861 and 1873 by Mathieu. Frobenius showed ...
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