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181 - 190 of 354 for Cauchy Frobenius LemmaSearch Results
A requirement necessary for a given statement or theorem to hold. Also called a condition.
Partial differential equation boundary conditions which give the value of the function on a surface, e.g., T=f(r,t).
Any pair of equations giving the real part of a function as an integral of its imaginary part and the imaginary part as an integral of its real part. Dispersion relationships ...
The Fourier transform of the generalized function 1/x is given by F_x(-PV1/(pix))(k) = -1/piPVint_(-infty)^infty(e^(-2piikx))/xdx (1) = ...
F_x[1/pi(1/2Gamma)/((x-x_0)^2+(1/2Gamma)^2)](k)=e^(-2piikx_0-Gammapi|k|). This transform arises in the computation of the characteristic function of the Cauchy distribution.
Partial differential equation boundary conditions which give the normal derivative on a surface.
A pseudoanalytic function is a function defined using generalized Cauchy-Riemann equations. Pseudoanalytic functions come as close as possible to having complex derivatives ...
The method for solving the Goursat problem and Cauchy problem for linear hyperbolic partial differential equations using a Riemann function.
Any motion of a rigid body in space at every instant is a screw motion. This theorem was proved by Mozzi and Cauchy.
The topological completion C of a field F with respect to the absolute value |·| is the smallest field containing F for which all Cauchy sequences or rationals converge.