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Cohomology is an invariant of a topological space, formally "dual" to homology, and so it detects "holes" in a space. Cohomology has more algebraic structure than homology, ...
An n×n square matrix M with M_(ii) = 1 (1) M_(ij) = M_(ji)>1 (2) for all i,j=1, ..., n.
The motivating force of topology, consisting of the study of smooth (differentiable) manifolds. Differential topology deals with nonmetrical notions of manifolds, while ...
The invariance of domain theorem states that if f:M->N is a one-to-one and continuous map between n-manifolds without boundary, then f is an open map.
Define the Euler measure of a polyhedral set as the Euler integral of its indicator function. It is easy to show by induction that the Euler measure of a closed bounded ...
The degree (or relative degree, or index) of an extension field K/F, denoted [K:F], is the dimension of K as a vector space over F, i.e., [K:F]=dim_FK. If [K:F] is finite, ...
Consider a function f(x) in one dimension. If f(x) has a relative extremum at x_0, then either f^'(x_0)=0 or f is not differentiable at x_0. Either the first or second ...
A representation phi of a group G is faithful if it is one-to-one, i.e., if phi(g)=phi(h) implies g=h for g,h in G. Equivalently, phi is faithful if phi(g)=I_n implies g=e, ...
A collection of faces of an n-dimensional polytope or simplicial complex, one of each dimension 0, 1, ..., n-1, which all have a common nonempty intersection. In normal three ...
Regardless of where one white and one black square are deleted from an ordinary 8×8 chessboard, the reduced board can always be covered exactly with 31 dominoes (of dimension ...
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