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The trigonometric formulas for pi/5 can be derived using the multiple-angle formula sin(5theta)=5sintheta-20sin^3theta+16sin^5theta. (1) Letting theta=pi/5 and x=sintheta ...
A tetrahedron having a trihedron all of the face angles of which are right angles. The face opposite the vertex of the right angles is called the base. If the edge lengths ...
The truncated square pyramid is a special case of a pyramidal frustum for a square pyramid. Let the base and top side lengths of the truncated pyramid be a and b, and let the ...
A tube of radius r of a set gamma is the set of points at a distance r from gamma. In particular, if gamma(t) is a regular space curve whose curvature does not vanish, then ...
The twist of a ribbon measures how much it twists around its axis and is defined as the integral of the incremental twist around the ribbon. A formula for the twist is given ...
A version of set theory which is a formal system expressed in first-order predicate logic. Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory is based on the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms. ...
The version of set theory obtained if Axiom 6 of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory is replaced by 6'. Selection axiom (or "axiom of subsets"): for any set-theoretic formula A(u), ...
A Heronian triangle is a triangle having rational side lengths and rational area. The triangles are so named because such triangles are related to Heron's formula ...
Also called the ménage problem. In how many ways can n married couples be seated around a circular table in such a manner than there is always one man between two women and ...
The natural logarithm of 2 is a transcendental quantity that arises often in decay problems, especially when half-lives are being converted to decay constants. ln2 has ...
